- · Inverts the value of the condition- NOT
- · Both conditions must be true for a record to be selected-AND
- · Rules that determine the order in which expressions are evaluated and calculated-precedence rules
- · Either condition can be true for a record to be selected-OR
1. Execute the two
queries below. Why do these nearly identical statements produce two different
results? Name the difference and explain why.
SELECT code, description
FROM d_themes
WHERE code >200 AND description
IN('Tropical', 'Football', 'Carnival');
SELECT code, description
FROM d_themes
WHERE code >200 OR
description IN('Tropical', 'Football', 'Carnival');
First uses AND,
so either the sides must return true, but in second case – OR, more records may come, because either of the sides need to be
true for row selection.
2. Display the last
names of all Global Fast Foods employees who have “e” and “i” in their last
SELECT last_name
FROM f_staffs
WHERE last_name LIKE '%e%' AND
last_name LIKE '%i%';
3. I need to know
who the Global Fast Foods employees are that make more than $6.50/hour and
their position is not order taker.
SELECT first_name || ' ' ||
last_name as "Full Name"
FROM f_staffs
WHERE salary > 6.5 AND
staff_type = 'Order Taker';
Full Name
Sue Doe
4. Using the
employees table, write a query to display all employees whose last names start
with “D” and have “a” and “e” anywhere in their last name.
SELECT first_name || '
' || last_name as "Full Name"
FROM employees
WHERE last_name LIKE 'D%' AND last_name LIKE '%a%'
AND last_name LIKE '%e%';
Full Name
Curtis Davies
Lex De Haan
5. In which venues
did DJs on Demand have events that were not in private homes?
/*did DJs on Demand have events , suggest I need not all venues except
private home, but also the one where actually actually event occurred*/
SELECT DISTINCT d_venues.loc_type
FROM d_events JOIN d_venues ON
d_events.venue_id = d_venues.id
WHERE d_venues.loc_type != 'Private Home';
6. Which list of
operators is in the correct order from highest precedence to lowest precedence?
c. NOT, AND, OR (this is right, not is the highest, and in bw, or at
For questions 7 and 8, write SQL statements that will produce the desired
7. Who am I?
I was hired by employer after May 1998 but before June of 1999. My salary
is less than $8000 a year
and I have an “en” in my last name. (Assume that salary in table is yearly)
SELECT first_name || ' ' ||
last_name as "Full Name"
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date > '31-May-1998' AND hire_date < '01-Jun-1999' AND
salary < 8000
AND last_name like '%en%';
Full Name
Diana Lorentz
8. What's my email
Because I have been working for employer since the beginning of 1996, I make more than $9000 per month. Because I make
so much money, I don't get a commission.
(Assume that table has monthly salary)
Assume that beginning of year is
Quarter 1
SELECT LOWER(email) ||
'@institutedomain.com' as "Email
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 9000 AND (commission_pct
= 0 OR commission_pct IS NULL) AND hire_date >= '01-Jan-1996' AND
hire_date <= '31-Mar-1996' ;
Email Address